Special Events

The Ripple Effect, Mayyim Hayyim’s First Ten Years

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by Jody Comins As you’ve probably heard, we are approaching our tenth anniversary in May, and we are kicking off a year of celebration with a Benefit Event on May 29th at Temple Israel of Boston.  Our benefit events are an opportunity for the community to support Mayyim Hayyim in our fundraising efforts. This year […]

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Roasting and Toasting Anita Diamant

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by Jody Comins, Development and Events Coordinator Last Thursday night, we celebrated our founding President, Anita Diamant. I want to send out a shout out to all of our Co-chairs, Host Committee, Staff and volunteers who helped to plan and execute a fabulous event. For those of you who weren’t able to be there to […]

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Why I Want a Mikveh–the Next Generation

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by Emilia Diamant Last week at a planning meeting for the Girls Night Out event, I was asked to respond to the question: “Why do you want a mikveh?” Many in the room shared answers about their personal immersions, family experiences, or just generally liking the idea of the place. When it came my turn, […]

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Top Ten Things We Love About Anita Diamant

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Mayyim Hayyim is proud to celebrate our founding President Anita Diamant at our Fall Women’s Benefit Event on Thursday, October 17, 7:00 pm at Guilt nightclub on Tremont St. in Boston. Bring your mother, your daughter, your sister and your friends to an evening of special surprises. Click here to join the party! In celebration of […]

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Men, Men, Men, Men…

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by Jody Comins, Development and Events Coodinator So here’s a little secret – for the past few months I’ve been one of the guys. Really! In my role as the Development and Events Coordinator, I’ve been planning a Spring Men’s event.  Men, Mikveh and Malt is coming up on April 25th at the Waterworks Museum […]

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More Than Just a Mikveh

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by Rabbi Lev Baesh Twice now, I have had the pleasure of celebrating weddings at Mayyim Hayyim, immediately following conversion with a Beit Din and immersion.  The first couple came from Canada with parents and a brother.  I had worked with her toward conversion via Skype and they wanted to complete her conversion at the […]

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Making Music at the Mikveh

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by Jim Ball, Mikveh Guide Music and Mayyim Hayyim are no strangers to one another. As a mikveh guide, I have heard how musical accompaniment is part of the immersion experience, whether it’s the singing and clapping of “Siman tov u’ Mazel tov” following a conversion, or a quiet recording setting the mood for a […]

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Here I Am

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by Sue Horowitz This November, I had the honor of debuting a song at Mayyim Hayyim‘s Tapestry: Choosing a Jewish Life event.  The song, “Here I Am” was written for the ritual of conversion to Judaism.  I am a singer-songwriter, frequently reinterpreting texts, psalms, prayers and Jewish ethics. I am lucky to have a writing […]

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The Stories Behind the Numbers

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by Sherri Goldman, Administrative and Finance Director I like numbers. Actually, what I really like are the stories behind the numbers. I have come to realize that the whole world is based on numbers. Business, government, science, music, art and even nature can be looked at through a number filtered lens, what I call the […]

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First Time in the Water

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by Patti Grossman Today, for the first time, I will immerse in the mikveh at Mayyim Hayyim. There have been many times in the past when I considered immersing, but I never did. Big birthdays, marriages of our children, the births of four grandchildren, anniversaries. Like most of us, I think, many of the exquisite experiences […]

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Eight is the Magic Number!

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by Leah Hart Tennen, Mikveh Center Director When my three-year-old son, Lev, hears the word “birthday”, he says, “It’s MY birthday”. It feels a little bit mean to tell a small child that not only is it not his birthday, but it won’t be for a very long time, but I understand the reaction. Until […]

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Special Events

Stitching The Years Together

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by Pam McArthur On Friday afternoons, the week begins to fall behind me, its sticky fingers of busyness letting go, one by one. On Friday afternoons, the joyful promise of Shabbat fills the air as the sun dips low to the horizon. On Friday afternoons, you’ll most likely find me at Mayyim Hayyim. Here, the […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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