Accessibility and Inclusion Discussion Guide

Open Waters: Mikveh for Everybody, A Discussion Guide to Complement the Mayyim Hayyim Film.

Synagogues, day schools, camps, and other organizations face obstacles in creating opportunities for full participation in Jewish life. Mayyim Hayyim created the short film, Open Waters: Mikveh for Everybody, to share how accessibility and inclusion happen at our mikveh. This Discussion Guide is a resource for your community to explore how barriers can be minimized and even removed in the varied settings of Jewish communal life.

To be used as a 50-60 minute complete session, or broken down into shorter activities, to learn about issues of accessibility and inclusion through the experiences of individuals.


Complete a brief questionnaire to receive Section One of the Discussion Guide. The free PDF includes Handouts for facilitator and participants. The full Discussion Guide is available in the Mayyim Hayyim shop.

Begin Questionnaire


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

    Learn more