About the Education Center

The Paula Brody and Family Education Center offers engaging and experiential programs for people of all ages.

The majority of visitors to Mayyim Hayyim never get wet. Every year, more than 3,000 students of nearly every age and background attend some 100 education programs. Groups come from synagogues, day schools, college and university groups, book clubs, non-profit organizations, and fellowship programs. Programs have attracted visitors from all over the all over the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Europe, Israel, and Russia.

All Mayyim Hayyim curricula are interactive, stress student participation, and encourage open discussion in a safe, welcoming environment. All programs welcome the participation of people regardless of marital status, religious affiliation, sexual identity, or Jewish literacy.

Education programs take place in person at Mayyim Hayyim or in your choice of virtual or hybrid spaces.

Our stellar programming engages learners from all over, whether in person or online. Request your group’s program today.

More info:


The fee for most standard 90-minute education programs for up to 25 participants ranges from $360 to $550 based on the budget size of your organization, except where noted otherwise on the program webpages linked below. For standard programs with more than 25 participants, fees range from $475 to $675 depending on the size of the group. Custom programs for groups of various sizes or for various lengths can be arranged with the Director of Programs and Partnerships for a custom fee.  

Standard Program Pricing:

First-time groups and organizations with a budget of less than $1M: $360
Organizations with a budget from $1M to less than $5M: $450
Organizations with a budget over $5M: $550


Any organization is welcome to join Mayyim Hayyim as a member. Membership covers the cost of at least one standard 90-minute program.  

Program payment is due in full two weeks prior to the program. 

Your fee supports what it takes for Mayyim Hayyim to offer these programs: material costs, curriculum development, staff preparation and teaching time, and for in-person programming, use of the Mayyim Hayyim space. One of Mayyim Hayyim’s Seven Principles is petichut, accessibility. If our program fees are a barrier to your group’s participation, please contact our Director of Programs and Partnerships to discuss financial aid. 

Date & Time

Education Programs are conducted Sunday – Thursday between the hours of 10:00 am ET and 9:00 pm ET. Please note that Sundays fill up quickly. 

Large Groups & Custom Content

Learn more about custom programming here. For larger groups and highly tailored content, please contact our Program Director to discuss content and pricing. 

Large Group Pricing:

To ensure your experience is of the highest quality, Mayyim Hayyim provides an additional educator for groups with more than 25 participants. Our educators are specifically trained in our curriculum and are highly skilled facilitators. The cost for each additional educator is $125.

Custom Program Pricing:

Mayyim Hayyim offers custom programs based on your group’s needs. Fees for custom programs begin at $500 based on the program, group size, and your organization’s budget size.

Fully Remote Programming

Our expectations for our fully remote programming are that each participant in the program will be on their own Zoom screen and Zooming from separate locations. This standard supports a learning environment in which students can be encouraged to participate as fully as possible, each according to their own needs, since there are no echoes from other participants’ computers. 

Hybrid Programming

Our expectations for our fully remote programming are that participants are in the classroom with their onsite facilitator and the Mayyim Hayyim educator is on Zoom. For our hybrid programs, there will be materials to print for each participant before the program and we will send those to you the week prior to the program. We are only offering a hybrid option to programs that have full screen capacity to project us onto a smart board, projector, etc. We will also need to connect with the educator who will be in person with the participants the week before the program. The purpose for this meeting is to ensure our educator from Mayyim Hayyim can work in synchronicity with the educator who will be on-site with the participants.



For more information contact: education@mayyimhayyim.org or 617-244-1836 ext. 205


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

    Learn more