Custom Programs

Built together based on your needs, Mayyim Hayyim will co-create an interactive, discussion-based program that can include a range topics related to ritual, modern Jewish practice, pluralism, and more. We can develop a stand-alone program based on your group’s interests, or one that’s designed to complement an existing curriculum. No prior knowledge required. Program content is always age-appropriate and experiential.

Length and cost are customized to your needs. Contact us today to learn more.


Examples of custom programs for youth

Kesher Newton

Kesher Newton is a Hebrew-immersive Jewish afterschool program who had a guiding curricular question of, “How do Jews around the world mark time?” Students from kindergarten to middle school learned about mikveh in Jewish tradition and about modern ways that Jewish people are marking time with immersion. Students created social stories for children and neurodivergent people to use when accompanying a loved one who is immersing.  

Temple Sinai Teens

Temple Sinai of Brookline’s teen fellowship was reading Mayyim Hayyim founder Anita Diamant’s book, Period: End of Sentence and learning about menstruation, niddah, and how other cultures view menstruation. Their visit to Mayyim Hayyim helped the teens understand how Jewish people have respected, approached, and ritualized menstruation throughout time and today.  

Examples of custom programs for adults

Temple Beth Elohim

A three-part workshops where participants learned with both Mayyim Hayyim educators and synagogue clergy about the power of mikveh as a transformative ritual. The series took place ahead of the High Holidays and again ahead of Passover. Participants learned about the meaning of mikveh, toured Mayyim Hayyim, crafted their own immersion rituals with guidance from clergy, and finally immersed at Mayyim Hayyim or did a handwashing ritual.

Brandeis Hillel

College students came with their rabbi to make havdallah, mark Rosh Hodesh, learn about mikveh, and immerse. The clergy and Mayyim Hayyim educators designed a custom program rich in ritual to engage this group one Saturday evening at the mikveh.

Curious and want to learn more? Reach out to us today to talk about how Mayyim Hayyim can support your group with a custom program.

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

    Learn more