
"My daughter marked six weeks after the birth of her son and I celebrated a special birthday. This confluence of events was reason to celebrate."

A mikveh is a place of beginnings, where people come to mark life passages, changes, and milestones. While it is traditional to mark marriage and conversion with mikveh, Mayyim Hayyim also provides the opportunity to acknowledge and sanctify other “firsts” and beginnings with immersion. We also have a growing library of ceremonies to help give voice to the happiness and gratitude of such moments.

Following the immersion, Mayyim Hayyim’s beautiful and home-like celebration space is available for a party.

A few of the reasons for a celebratory immersion include:

Bar / Bat Mitzvah

For young people to reflect on the transition to adulthood, and also for adults of all ages who are reading from the Torah for the first time. Some parents of b’nai mitzvah choose to mark the change in the family.

Click here to download Mayyim Hayyim’s Seven Kavanot for Mikveh Preparation for Kids.

Birthday and Anniversaries

Milestone birthdays can be cause for reflection and renewal, but visitors are welcome to immerse for any birthday or other annual milestone that holds special significance. These might include wedding anniversaries, the anniversary of one’s conversion to Judaism, the anniversary of recovery from an illness, or the anniversary of a period of sobriety.


Immersion is a way to add another dimension to the completion of a course of study that marks a new stage in life. People have come to Mayyim Hayyim after graduating from high school, college, graduate school, medical school, and law school, and upon receiving rabbinic or cantorial ordination.


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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