
Mayyim Hayyim’s mission is to reclaim and reinvent one of Judaism’s most ancient rituals–immersion in the mikveh–for contemporary spiritual use; to teach about this resource to all who are interested; and to make the mikveh a sacred space that is open and accessible to all Jews and those who are becoming Jews.

In order to fulfill this mission, we keep these goals in mind:

  1. Maintain and operate a kosher mikveh serving the Jewish community.
  2. Provide a welcoming, beautiful place for both traditional and creative mikveh uses.
  3. Support a welcoming, beautiful place for converts to Judaism and their extended families.
  4. Foster new uses for mikveh for the 21st century Jewish community (e.g. healing rituals following illness or loss).
  5. Provide information and welcome those interested in observing the mitzvah (commandment) of niddah, monthly immersion in the mikveh.
  6. Promote meaningful and successful volunteer experiences at all levels of the organization as an integral component of our organizational culture. Recognize and promote the unique interests of men in traditional and contemporary mikveh practice and promote the participation of men in all aspects of Mayyim Hayyim.
  7. Provide educational resources regarding the uses of mikveh, including curricula, teacher training, and presentations by staff and volunteers.
  8. Serve as an example of an innovative and pluralistic Jewish institution that collaborates with local, regional and national organizations to provide meaningful resources and personal experiences to all interested Jews, and those becoming Jewish.
  9. Establish Mayyim Hayyim as a national / international resource for education and professional training for reclaiming mikveh.
  10. Encourage artistic expression as a means of achieving Mayyim Hayyim’s various goals.
  11. Secure the financial future of Mayyim Hayyim by operating in a fiscally responsible manner and through such means as debt reduction, annual fund, and endowment development.


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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