Jewish Community

Jewish Community

When Words Won’t Come, The Mikveh is Here For Us

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by Aviva Herr-Welber, Mayyim Hayyim Rabbinic Intern This past Wednesday, we were blessed to welcome two groups of Israelis from Haifa on a visit to Mayyim Hayyim: a group of adult Haifa civil society leaders and a group of tenth-grade students. The visits had been planned long ago as part of the larger itinerary for […]

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Jewish Community, Shabbat and Holidays

From guest to CEO

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September 2023 / Elul 5783 Dear friend, As we embrace the season of reflection and renewal, I’m thinking about my own experience with Jewish ritual, like mikveh. Mikveh has been there to help me grow and change. It is here for so many of you at times of celebration, healing, and transition. I became Mayyim Hayyim’s […]

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Jewish Community

We’re in this together

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by Elisha Gechter I have worked and volunteered at many great local Jewish organizations, but I tell everyone that Mayyim Hayyim is my favorite place in Jewish Boston. So it is my pleasure to ask that you join me in donating to our community mikveh before the end of 2020 with a generous gift. My connection to Mayyim Hayyim is […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion, Jewish Community

Testing the Waters

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by Shanna Shulman I was there to test the water… or rather, to test the new policies and procedures Mayyim Hayyim had developed to reduce the risk of COVID transmission. Mayyim Hayyim had made the difficult decision to close the mikveh last April when transmission levels were rising in our area. The staff and board […]

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Jewish Community, Niddah

Mayyim Hayyim is making the hard things easier

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by Shira Cohen-Goldberg Mayyim Hayyim hasn’t let a pandemic get in the way of building a more vibrant, inclusive Jewish community. In fact, even while its doors were closed, Mayyim Hayyim found a way to make mikveh open and accessible for everyone, including me. Because of Mayyim Hayyim, I realized that I was not alone, […]

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Jewish Community, Niddah

Today I Did Something Hard

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by Shira Cohen-Goldberg Today I did something hard. No, it wasn’t homeschooling two children while keeping a toddler out of danger and trying to work my day job. That was today, yesterday, the day before that, and will likely be tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that. While nothing during this pandemic […]

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Jewish Community, Mikveh Guides

I Miss My Rituals

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by Amy Fleming I’m doing okay during this COVID-19 shutdown. My geographically scattered family members are healthy. We’re aware that we are very fortunate. But like everyone else, I long for life to return “back to normal.” I miss the structure and routine of volunteering every Wednesday at Mayyim Hayyim, which I’ve been doing for […]

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Healing, Jewish Community

Mikveh in the Time of Coronavirus

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by Rosa Blumenfeld I am the daughter of a mother who was born during La Violencia, the Colombian civil war so bloody it was simply called ‘The Violence,’ and a father who survived the Holocaust as a 25 year old in 1939. I know what it is to be raised to be on constant alert […]

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Jewish Community

Mikveh: Something Purely for Myself

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by Lindsay Rosenfeld I recently – and quite unexpectedly – found a ritual that I absolutely never thought I would participate in to be part of my journey to reconnect body and mind spiritually and emotionally. Mikveh. Growing up, I knew what mikveh was, but it always seemed a ritual prescribed to a woman – […]

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