Mikveh Guides

Mikveh Guides

Wherever You Go, There’s Always Water

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by Leah Hart Tennen My very basic introduction to mikveh was: “this is something that Orthodox Jews do, mostly women after their periods.” The first person I ever knew who went to the mikveh was an Orthodox Jew who went after her period. Fast forward many, many years and one of my closest friends asked […]

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Mikveh Guides, Niddah, Shabbat and Holidays

Living Waters

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By Leann Shamash So much of what is written in Parshat Metzora, this week’s Torah portion, concerning blood and emissions still lives on to this day. Who would think that a parsha which details bodily emissions would spur a tradition of mikveh, with water a liquid vehicle to heal and transform? Mayyim Hayyim has taken […]

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Jewish Community, Mikveh Guides

I Miss My Rituals

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by Amy Fleming I’m doing okay during this COVID-19 shutdown. My geographically scattered family members are healthy. We’re aware that we are very fortunate. But like everyone else, I long for life to return “back to normal.” I miss the structure and routine of volunteering every Wednesday at Mayyim Hayyim, which I’ve been doing for […]

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Mikveh Guides

Let Me Get That for You!

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by Rachel Eisen, Director of Development and Acting Executive Director “Let me get that for you!” I had, as I am wont to do, dropped something. I was walking out of a meeting I’d had in Mayyim Hayyim’s Beit Din room. I was heading upstairs to my desk, and I was carrying two notebooks, a […]

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Mikveh Guides

A Peek Behind the Curtain

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By Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director More than 14 years ago, several remarkable women envisioned and created the role of Mayyim Hayyim’s Mikveh Guides. An evolution of the “mikveh lady,” our Guides are knowledgeable without being judgmental, empathetic without prying, compassionate or dispassionate — as the guest needs. While our focus is always on […]

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Mikveh Guides

At Your Service

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By Carole Greenfield, Mikveh Guide The other day, on my way to yoga class, and again the next morning, I saw a woman playing a piano. Outside. I watched her work the pedals and press the keys, her fingers moving confidently. She didn’t look up. I didn’t interrupt her. I have seen one or two other […]

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Art Gallery and Education Center, Mikveh Guides

The Mikveh Guide Impact

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director Mayyim Hayyim’s Mikveh Guides are the face of our organization. They are solely responsible for the in-person experience of those who come to immerse. Entrusted with this sacred task, they rise to the occasion each day, shepherding guests through their visits beautifully. Each one is a volunteer — […]

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LGBTQ+, Mikveh Guides

Pride and Liberation at the Mikveh

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by Naomi Sobel, Mikveh Guide If you ask Hallmark, June is wedding season. In my immediate family, June is a roller-coaster: we have three yartzheits (anniversary of one’s death), two birthdays (on the same day!), plus Father’s Day. At Mayyim Hayyim, it’s peak season for conversions – we have 25 conversion immersions scheduled just this month. […]

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Art Gallery and Education Center, Mikveh Guides

Let’s Hear it for the Guides

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director “Supervising and supporting Volunteer Mikveh Guides.” This is what is says in my job description. Sounds pretty straightforward. And, we have 85 active Mikveh Guides: 85 unique individuals who were trained 4 months to 14 years ago (with ongoing continuing education and weekly suggestions and tips to reinforce […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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