Mikveh Guides

How I Find My Center

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Written by Amy Chartock, National Programs Director                      Just when life can feel like it is spinning out of control, something magical happens and I feel centered once again.  Do tell, you ask?  What’s my trick? For me, life comes back into focus when I serve […]

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Welcome, Cohort Seven!

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Written by Sara Smolover, Interim Mikveh Center Coordinator     Celebration and tears marked the final Siyyum of their training on December 13th when 10 special women joined the community of Mikveh Guides at Mayyim Hayyim. It has been a pleasure and an honor to get to know them. I thought it might be nice for you […]

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Learning to be Quiet

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Written by Amy Fleming I went through mikveh guide training not to be a mikveh guide.  As a Board member of Mayyim Hayyim, I loved giving tours of the mikveh, educating visitors about what we do, and communicating my excitement about this important revolution, transformation, inspiration (so many superlatives – I’m still that enthused about […]

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A Public Service Announcement for the Mikveh World

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Written by Carrie Bornstein, Acting Executive Director I’ve visited my fair share of mikvehs over the years, particularly as I’ve gotten more and more into the mikveh biz.  Coming to Mayyim Hayyim, I’ve become accustomed to a warm welcome, meaningful preparation, and a dignified experience. But some of the things that make Mayyim Hayyim special […]

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Talking Mikveh in Jerusalem

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Written by Aliza Kline This year, for my sabbatical in Israel, my family and I deliberately chose not to live in Jerusalem. My husband Bradley and I have both lived there for at least two years and we hoped for a different kind of Israel experience. We also were just exhausted by the constant meshugas […]

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Finally Welcomed Home

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Written by Trish Soha חנה בת אברהם ושרה, Chana Bat Avraham v’Sarah I had imagined my conversion mikveh immersion at least three times a day for the year or so between my Pathways to Judaism class’ tour at Mayyim Hayyim and the actual event—that’s over a thousand imagined dunkings, if you’re counting – and none […]

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Top 10 Reasons to Be a Volunteer Mikveh Guide

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Written by Carrie Bornstein Shortly after Mayyim Hayyim opened in 2004, I remember the nervous excitement I felt opening the email inviting applications for volunteer Mikveh Guides.  “Would they accept me,” I thought?  “Do I have what it takes?” Incidentally, it all worked out okay. Little did any of us who became Mikveh Guides know, […]

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No More Learner's Permit

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Written by Carrie Bornstein I remember the first time I ever drove by myself. As soon as I got my license, the deal was that if I drove my father to the train station, I could use the car for the day. My alarm went off early – 6:30, to be precise – plenty of […]

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The Dream that Never Vanished

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Written by Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein What does mikveh have to do with becoming a rabbi? Even before Mayyim Hayyim existed, I had explored mikveh. After spending one Omer soul searching, I gathered some very close friends at Freeman Lake to witness my own mikveh ceremony. The night before I wondered what was next. An […]

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We're Kvelling: A Mikveh in the Making

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Written by Carrie Bornstein It’s not every day that a mikveh is born. So when a picture like this arrives in our inbox: you can bet it makes us smile.  “Libi Eir” (Awakened Heart) at Beth Meyer Synagogue in Raleigh, NC, is nearing completion. What’s even better?  This is not just any mikveh.  There are […]

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Behind the Sheet

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When a person immerses in a mikveh, s/he does so in as close a state to what s/he was like when he or she was born:  no make up, no prosthetics, no jewelry, no clothes.  When someone comes to Mayyim Hayyim, that person always has the option of having a guide with him or her.  […]

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Niddah Anonymous: Keeping a Sacred Act Private

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We were so excited about the new opening of Jerusalem Pita in Brookline.  We ventured out of our apartment in Cambridge with our 2.5 year old and 2 week old to taste what everyone was talking about.  While the dining experience was nothing to write home about, the real experience of the evening came from […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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