Mikveh Guides

Does Water Remember?

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by Kelly Banker, Intern I have always been captivated by water. It holds a certain mystical quality, a kind of knowing. Growing up, my family spent our summers living in a cottage on a lake in New Hampshire, so water has been a staple of my life from an early age. Lakes, streams, rivers, waterfalls and […]

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“Because nothing should come between you and the experience.”

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh & Education Director Picture a small, sunlit-filled atrium filled with 22 wiggly eleven-year-old boys and girls. They’ve just been darting in and out of mikveh preparation rooms, opening closets, peeking in cabinets and behind shower curtains, flinging themselves on the tiled floor to dip their fingers in the warm mikveh water. […]

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You Can Come Home Again

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by Roberta Gross-Torres In 2003 I was a member of the first cohort of Mikveh Guides trained by Mayyim Hayyim to facilitate immersions for all kinds of reasons in our new, spa-like mikveh. The first time I witnessed an immersion for a conversion I felt like a gentle pair of hands had come to massage […]

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Disability Justice is a Jewish Issue

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By Shari Zakim-Yacouby and Talya Sokoll Talya: One thing I’ve learned in my 30 years as a Jew is that there is no one right way to be Jewish. Although my experience of living a fulfilling Jewish life has been intrinsically intertwined with the communities I am part of, I feel so blessed to be […]

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I Am a Twin

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I am a twin. From the point of my conception, I’ve always had company. That can be a good thing – constant companionship – or a bad thing – lack of my own space. This duality plays out in my personality. I’m a classic ambivert, delighting in time with others while needing restorative solitude in […]

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We’re in Good Hands

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by Rene Katersky Actually, I have felt that Mayyim Hayyim has been in good hands all along. Thoughtful strong leadership, and inspired, inspiring vision has been a cornerstone and continues in abundance. Having just had three future Mikveh Guides shadow me during two recent shifts, I don’t think this could be more true today. These, now […]

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The New Faces of Mayyim Hayyim

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh & Education Director Anita Diamant says of our mikveh guides, “You are the face of Mayyim Hayyim.” It’s true. A mikveh guide literally opens the door and welcomes each guest, supporting their visit in whatever way is needed, wanted, imagined, spoken of or hinted at. This winter we have welcomed and are training […]

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The Blessing of Holiness

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by Susan Neiman, Mikveh Guide I’ve been a mikveh guide for about a year and a half. I usually come to Newton once a month and I try to stay for about 3-5 hours at a stretch, especially because I live quite a distance away. I try to pick a day with lots of activity, […]

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Because I Can

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by Leeann Simons, Mikveh Guide Ten years ago, I became a member of Mayyim Hayyim. At my friend’s invitation, I agreed to go on a tour of this new place. As soon as I walked in the door, I decided: this is it–I am coming here to celebrate my 50th birthday. Since then, I have […]

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An Unconventional Bar Mitzvah: Every Child Deserves to be Celebrated

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by Susan Arndt It’s hard to believe we just celebrated my son’s Bar Mitzvah.  Zachary was born a beautiful healthy baby, but at the age of sixteen months, he started having seizures.  Over the years, with all of the challenges he has faced being non-verbal and having developmental delays, I have always looked for ways of […]

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History Repeats Itself in Atlanta… and I Like It

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by Carrie Bornstein Just over four years ago I shared with you the exciting news that Libi Eir, Awakened Heart Community Mikveh in Raleigh, NC was nearing completion. They’d trained 22 volunteer Mikveh Guides using the Diane and Chester Black Guide My Steps training and since they opened Libi Eir has facilitated more than 500 immersions […]

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It's Not That Different

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Leeann Simons, Mikveh Guide From the Mayyim Hayyim vaults, written almost 9 years ago. Last night I had the privilege of being part of one woman’s healing ritual. She had been sexually assaulted by a former “good” friend, and was coming to us as part of her moving forward with her life. What I want to […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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