Mikveh Guides

My Turn at the Mikveh

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant I was fortunate enough to join the Mayyim Hayyim staff in June of 2016, and it has since been a working girl’s dream in every sense of the word. This team, the work, the ritual, the mission – they’re nothing but holy. My formal position here is a […]

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Why I Guide

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by Talya Sokoll, Mikveh Guide When I first decided to become a Mikveh Guide, I was nervous. I had been to a number of immersions for friends and family that were incredibly special and meaningful. There are many variables that go into a successful mikveh experience, but at that point, it was already clear that […]

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Mikveh Guides: The Face of Mayyim Hayyim

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director Mikveh Guides: The Face of Mayyim Hayyim These women and these men have much to teach, But their pleasure is to learn and serve, Stepping forward or stepping back, Attending to the need, joyful or tearful, Face to face. –Anita Diamant More than 13 years ago, a few […]

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A Rare Treat to Toivel

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by Karen Abraham, Mikveh Guide “A guest is coming to toivel.” “Toivel?” “To make new dishes ready for use. Take a look in the file drawer for more information.” I quickly set down the phone and opened the drawer. I found the two-page explanation about how to immerse kitchen items in the mikveh. It explained […]

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What Do You Do When You Can’t Do Anything?

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director Nervous. Skeptical. Proud. Curious. Matter of fact. As a Mikveh Guide at Mayyim Hayyim, I am never certain what emotion will present itself accompanying the guest walking through the door. First-timers are sometimes a bit anxious and often apologetic for their naïveté about mikveh. I assure them that […]

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Creating the World We Want to See

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by Carrie Bornstein Last week, Carrie shared these words as she was honored at Mayyim Hayyim’s spring benefit, Soul/Life/Cycle: My first job interview at Mayyim Hayyim was exactly ten years ago this Thursday; less than 48 hours before Eliana was born. At the time I couldn’t decide how I felt about doing a 9th month […]

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Don’t “Pass Over” the Mikveh

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by Wendy Handler, Mikveh Guide  A friend recently sent me an email that said, “Keep calm and carry on…spring is coming!” with a beautiful picture of budding flowers in my favorite colors. The message did little to soothe my nerves. Spring is coming…translation: Passover is coming, too…heavy sigh…already I anticipate the back-breaking cleaning. The signs […]

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The Gift of Guiding

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by Rene Katersky, Mikveh Guide As I approach another significant birthday, one ending in “0” (aren’t they all significant at this age?), I have been thinking a lot about the self-imposed benefits of turning another year older. I am mindful of my desire to say “no” more often…no to things I no longer feel passionate […]

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Being a Mikveh Guide is Rabbinic Training

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by Hayley Goldstein, Mikveh Guide When I walk through the arch and down the winding, flower-lined path, punch in the security code, hang my coat up in the closet, and sit down at the desk, I have a distinct feeling that only Mikveh Guides feel. It feels like a fluttering in my heart and belly, […]

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Tears of Joy and Despair

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by Tamar Duke-Cohan I happened into a public bathroom a few evenings ago. As I entered, a woman flew out of the first stall, ran into another and banged the door shut. I could hear her muttering and sobbing over the phone. Although I could not understand the words because she was speaking in another […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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