Marriage and Relationships

Conversion and Affirmation, Healing, Life Transitions, Marriage and Relationships, Niddah, Parenting

Hineini: Here I Am, a Former Mikveh Dissenter and Bride (again) at 57

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by Nina B. Lichtenstein As a convert to Judaism, I have always said that “doing Jewish” is how my chosen identity anchored and deepened itself, and it has helped explain (to myself) why I embraced so fervently (relatively speaking) the laws of Shabbat, kashrut, and taharat ha-mishpacha (the laws of family purity). These three pillars […]

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Marriage and Relationships, National Network

Mikveh Magic

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Originally published by Jewish Women of Words, re-posted with permission by Karen Paul I strip off my clothes, step into the shower, scrub my skin raw. Nothing can sit on the surface of my body as I walk towards the mikveh – not jewellery, not contact lenses, not nail polish. I must be as clean […]

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Art Gallery and Education Center, Marriage and Relationships

Lessons from Beyond the Huppah: An In-Depth Review

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Originally posted January 2017 by Sarah Bolts and Michael Chernicoff, Beyond the Huppah Participants fall 2015  Sarah: I honestly didn’t know what to expect from a pre-marriage class. I grew up in the Orthodox community, where pre-marriage classes came in the form of “kallah (bride) classes” in which a bride would learn about the laws of niddah (regular separation […]

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Marriage and Relationships

Magical Mikveh Moments

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by Alon Neidich “This is why we came to America,” my grandmother whispered to my mother as she graduated from medical school. My grandparents fled Europe under the horrors of pogroms and persecution, my mother born in New York and my Abba (father) in a nascent Israel – each of their homes grounded in Jewish […]

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Marriage and Relationships, Men, Niddah

Date Night

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by Naomi Baine My husband and I go to the mikveh together. It may not be common, but for us, it’s great. Here’s why. We observe niddah, the practice of abstaining from sexual intimacy around the time of menstruation. The Torah forbids men from being intimate with women in a state of menstrual impurity (Leviticus […]

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