Marriage and Relationships

When the Mikveh Feels Overwhelming

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Written by Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, Clinical Director at the Medical Center for Female Sexuality                 Often, we hear women talking about the positive impact of using the  mikveh. They may talk about it being a meaningful religious or life-stage experience, or they may talk about the positive […]

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When Mikveh Isn't Enough

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by Anonymous This is uncomfortable to admit, but I feel a tremendous relief when my period starts. It’s not because I’m worried about an unplanned, or, honestly, unwanted pregnancy. It’s because I know sex is off the horizon until I immerse. A few years ago my husband and I decided to take on the mitzvah […]

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Coming Home

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By Rick and Sarah Perron If someone had told us seven years ago that we would one day make the decision to become Jews, we would have been doubtful, to say the least. However, on 26 Sivan, 5771 (June 28th, 2011), each of us found ourselves immersing in the serene waters of the beautiful mikvaot […]

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The Calendar, the Mikveh, and Great Sex

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Not all sex is made equal.  Sex is sometimes good and sometimes really good.  So how does sex go from good to great?  Many couples, guided by a whole genre of literature on the subject, focus on techniques, positions, and props.  There is, however, another factor that I believe is incredibly helpful when it comes […]

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Beyond the Huppah

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Imagine it.  Ten couples sitting around a table, munching on Terra Chips, hummus and carrots, mixed nuts and Peanut M&M’s; some engaged to be married, some already married, in their late 20’s and older, gay and straight, Jewish-Jewish and interfaith, and all interested in raising Jewish children.  They want to start their marriages on the […]

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