
Men, Shabbat and Holidays

Shavuot Reflections – Revisited

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As we prepare for the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, we wanted to re-share this post reflecting on the relationship between Mount Sinai, marriage, and mikveh. Join us May 19 at 8:00PM at the Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot for dramaturgy and discussion with Associate Director of Education, Leeza Negelev. Originally posted May 25, 2012 by Rabbi David […]

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Life Transitions, Men

A Post-Tufts Tevilah

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As graduation day nears, we invite you to consider immersion as a way to appreciate your journey to this milestone. An immersion gift certificate also makes a thoughtful gift for graduates. Originally posted June 21, 2017 by Andrew Wofford When my Rabbi suggested that I immerse in the mikveh to mark my graduation from college, I was rather confused […]

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Marriage and Relationships, Men, Niddah

Date Night

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by Naomi Baine My husband and I go to the mikveh together. It may not be common, but for us, it’s great. Here’s why. We observe niddah, the practice of abstaining from sexual intimacy around the time of menstruation. The Torah forbids men from being intimate with women in a state of menstrual impurity (Leviticus […]

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Healing, Men

Wanting it to “Work:” Healing from Charlottesville

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by Bryan Mann I came to immerse after standing with a group of clergy against white supremacy in Charlottesville during the “Unite the Right” march. I have never experienced trauma like this and am so grateful Mayyim Hayyim could offer a space to begin the healing process. Thank you so much! “Thank you” feels so […]

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Life Transitions, Men

A Ritual for Retirement

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by Dr. William Kates After 53 years of practicing clinical psychiatry – almost exclusively around the long term psychotherapeutic treatment of adults – I decided to retire. I looked forward to this time with a mixture of hope and worry: hope that not having the responsibilities for patients would leave me open to other, less […]

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Men, Shabbat and Holidays

The Gift of Immersion

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by Rabbi Jeremy Sher This Hanukkah season, as we get ready to commemorate the rededication of the Temple, I’m thinking back to a very special time of personal rededication: my immersion at Mayyim Hayyim, one of the formative experiences of my life. I had been to Mayyim Hayyim several times to witness immersions, but it […]

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My Miracle Mikveh

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Posted with permission from Skip Palter, after a visit to Mayyim Hayyim to mark the completion of a mourning period for his wife, Ann. Hi Carrie, I am writing to share with you that I believe I experienced a miracle on June 14, 2017. And I have been meaning to write to you or someone […]

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A Chance Encounter with the Mikveh

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by David Schatz I only encountered Mayyim Hayyim totally by chance. On a morning jog through Auburndale, I found a Mikveh Guide name tag from Mayyim Hayyim. I emailed the office to find out what to do with the card, and Lori, the Office Manager, invited me to come by and return it. Once there, […]

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Serenity in the City

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by Nate Vaughan Last year, around this time, I immersed at Mayyim Hayyim for the first time, in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. Ever since I first heard about Mayyim Hayyim, I’ve listened to many people speak about their immersion experiences. In part, those stories led me to immerse. But this isn’t a story about the incredibly meaningful […]

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by David Berman I’ve immersed at Mayyim Hayyim three times: once before my Bar Mitzvah, once before I left for a semester in Israel when I was a sophomore in high school, and once last September before a gap year program in Israel. Going to Mayyim Hayyim when I was 13 was my mother’s idea. […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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