


Posted on:

by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant Deep breath. Rip the band-aid… My tenure as Administrative and Marketing Assistant at Mayyim Hayyim has ended. I won’t be booking immersions, answering your calls, and most likely won’t be greeting your friendly faces around the building anymore. But don’t fret! The mikveh can’t get rid of me […]

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Small Tasks, Big Projects

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by Rachel Eisen, Director of Annual Giving At a small organization like Mayyim Hayyim, no one’s job exists in a silo. My title may be “Director of Annual Giving,” but my job doesn’t only include managing our yearly fundraising. I also oversee our communications; there’s also the art gallery, helping with programs when needed, and, […]

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Hope Lives Here

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant I hate to sound like a nihilist, but we are living in a profoundly uninspiring moment – a bleak and unyielding cycle of shock and sadness. In an even more inverted universe, I’m finding my workplace, of all places, to be the only oasis of joy. In the […]

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Shift Yourself, Shift the World

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant If you know me at all, you know that I’ve always got feminism on the brain, but our current political moment has my hair on fire. Suffering has reached unfathomable highs, and our threshold for the basics of compassion, unfathomable lows. I can’t control violent policy, I can’t […]

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Shift Yourself, Shift the World

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant If you know me at all, you know that I’ve always got feminism on the brain, but our current political moment has my hair on fire. Suffering has reached unfathomable highs, and our threshold for the basics of compassion, unfathomable lows. I can’t control violent policy, I can’t […]

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In the Beginning

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by Rachel Eisen, Director of Annual Giving The concept of tikkun olam, repairing the world, is ever-present in modern Judaism. For many, the act of repairing the world, of rooting out injustice, is a core piece of their Jewish identity. It’s a value that motivates the way they live and interact with the world. The […]

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Top 5 Blog Posts of 2017

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by Mayyim Hayyim 2017 was a marvelous year for the Mayyim Hayyim, and even more so for our community blog. We published 89 new posts, and our community viewed them over 20,000 times! The content was extraordinary and varied. We’ve categorized our posts by topic – just take a look at the righthand side of your […]

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Life Transitions, Potpourri

Held by God

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director It was a freezing, snowy day at Mayyim Hayyim, and we were struggling with frozen pipes in bathrooms and laundry rooms. We still had one working preparation room and one warm mikveh, so we were happy to be able to continue to welcome guests. That morning, a guest […]

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The Mikveh is Calling… Again

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assitant January 1st… It’s coming. The new year brings with it a sense of infinite possibility, a childlike sense of hope, a renewed faithfulness in our capacity to fundamentally transform ourselves and the world around us. Of course, we Jews already had the opportunity to take stock of ourselves […]

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My Turn at the Mikveh

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by Leah Robbins, Administrative and Marketing Assistant I was fortunate enough to join the Mayyim Hayyim staff in June of 2016, and it has since been a working girl’s dream in every sense of the word. This team, the work, the ritual, the mission – they’re nothing but holy. My formal position here is a […]

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Back to the Mikveh

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by Amber Caulkins, Director of Ride Tide I was recently asked by my alma mater to participate in a panel discussion on working in the nonprofit field as part of their annual career day. For the last week I have been thinking about what pearls of wisdom I can try to impart in ten to […]

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I Took the Mikveh for Granted

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by Rachel Eisen, Director of Annual Giving This is a story about silver linings. This story begins two years ago, immersing at Mayyim Hayyim for Rosh Hashanah – my first ever immersion. It was wondrous, and my heart felt open. Chapter Two continues with my second immersion, one year ago, also for Rosh Hashanah. I […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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