My Miracle Mikveh

Posted with permission from Skip Palter, after a visit to Mayyim Hayyim to mark the completion of a mourning period for his wife, Ann.

Hi Carrie,

I am writing to share with you that I believe I experienced a miracle on June 14, 2017. And I have been meaning to write to you or someone at Mayyim Hayyim. So I hope I am writing to the right person.

After reading The Red Tent, and after talking with Sandy Slavet [a volunteer Mikveh Guide], I made my mikveh appointment for June 14th, as I had recently completed 11 months of saying kaddish [prayer for mourning] for my wife, Ann. I didn’t expect that June 14th would come immediately after the worst three days of sadness and grief that I’ve ever had, June 11th, 12th, and 13th.

That’s how I entered the mikveh on June 14th, at the absolute lowest I’ve ever been. When I left, I felt reborn, like a new man. I felt like I left my sadness and grief behind in the waters of the mikveh. The prayers for healing touched my soul in a way that no previous prayers have ever done. As I drove home, I felt like Ann was with me and talking to me in the car. I am calling it my miracle mikveh.

So I want to say a giant thank you for the work you do and the service you provide to the Jewish community.

In deep appreciation and love,
Skip Palter

Skip was born on October 12, 1948, in Boston, and has spent his whole life in the Boston area. He considers himself an open-minded, life long learner, always eager to try new, adventurous things. He loves to travel and looks forward to traveling as much as possible in his retirement.

We invite you to join Skip in bringing your whole selves – your joys, your losses, your sorrows – into the living waters of the mikveh. Click here to schedule your visit to Mayyim Hayyim.


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