Roasting and Toasting Anita Diamant

by Jody Comins, Development and Events CoordinatorADiamantColor 2012 Gretje Fergeson

Last Thursday night, we celebrated our founding President, Anita Diamant. I want to send out a shout out to all of our Co-chairs, Host Committee, Staff and volunteers who helped to plan and execute a fabulous event. For those of you who weren’t able to be there to see the show and enjoy the music of Michelle Citrin, click here for photos and enjoy reading the lyrics to Michelle’s original song written just for us:

18 Things to do in the Red Tent

Our show’s almost over, n’ thanks to-the tweets that you’ve sent

We’ve-got-a list of eigh-teen things to do…

In the red tent

1. talk about yo’ mamas

while you dance in red pajamas

2. put on lo-tus perfume

and stay-out past-your curfew

3. you can learn to cook up

some delicious brand new dishes

4. you-can-put red lipstick on

‘n get-ready for some kisses. (smooch)

5. you can bring…… some-thing blue

and mix it with red

and then make the

whole tent purple

never mind that book that you read.

6. meditate

7. celebrate

8.  menstruate

9. consummate

Our show’s almost over, n’ thanks to-the tweets that you’ve sent

We’ve-got-a list of eigh-teen things to do…

In the red tent

10. practice your pilate moves with bilpaH

and with zilPAH

 11. grab some manischevitz , and then have yourself a sipPAH

 12. kibbitz-on-ways-to-soothe your achin’ ovaries

13. and-then.. 9 months later…

 you can give-birth to a bay-beee.

 14.  send a tweet

15. massage your feet

16.  start a fad…

17. make a maxi pad

there’s just one more thing to do while in the red tent…

18. Find Anita

and give her a hug.

Jody Comins is the Development and Events Coordinator at Mayyim jc photoHayyim.  She is still recovering from last week’s event but is almost ready to start planning our Spring event which will celebrate Mayyim Hayyim’s tenth anniversary. She has a Clinical MSW from Boston University and has worked in the Boston Jewish Community for 23 years at many local agencies.


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