The Stories Behind the Numbers

by Sherri Goldman, Administrative and Finance Director

I like numbers. Actually, what I really like are the stories behind the numbers. I have come to realize that the whole world is based on numbers. Business, government, science, music, art and even nature can be looked at through a number filtered lens, what I call the language of numbers. In Judaism, numbers play a major role, guiding our rituals and holidays and daily life. Our Jewish numbers are holy, divine and meaningful, telling a story of life and hope, the story of God and the Torah. Even Mayyim Hayyim, a place of spiritual ritual, learning, art, and so much more, is a place of numbers. And the wonderful people who donate so generously to Mayyim Hayyim most often show their financial support in denominations of chai (the number 18), the Hebrew word, symbol, and number, that means life.

It’s a special privilege and joy for me to work closely with Mayyim Hayyim’s Budget & Finance Committee in my role as Mayyim Hayyim Administrative and Finance Director. Every quarter, or at least four times every year, Mayyim Hayyim’s Budget and Finance Committee meet to take an itemized and detailed look at Mayyim Hayyim’s numbers. I am always honored to meet with these talented financial experts, comprised of CPA’s and corporate financial executives. With their professional financial knowledge combined with their love of Mayyim Hayyim, we review all of our numbers to make sure we meet our budget goals and strategize our financial strength and health. As we read the story of the balance sheet, the profit and loss, then move on to the budget vs. actual financial reports, all of Mayyim Hayyim’s stories unfold, our wonderful stories of immersion, programming, education, development, not to mention the beauty of our building, all revealed in the language of numbers.

Just last week, Mayyim Hayyim celebrated the collection of our stories at our annual fundraising event, Tapestry: Choosing a Jewish Life. Tapestry told the story of all the people who have come together to help make Mayyim Hayyim a leader in creating a welcoming and inclusive Judaism. As we review the very generous donations from this event, we are extremely grateful for the support that allows Mayyim Hayyim to continue to tell its stories of spirituality, diversity, ritual, and divine holiness. As we thank our donors, please know that your gifts, your divine numbers, are so meaningful to us all. Thank you again for your support, we are truly grateful.

Click here to donate today to Mayyim Hayyim.  The 20 largest donations we receive by midnight on Cyber Monday, November 26, 2012, will be entered into a drawing for a $500 Magic Beans gift card!

Sherri Goldman, Administrative and Finance Director, joined Mayyim Hayyim in May, 2007. Sherri is responsible for managing Mayyim Hayyim’s financial and office operations, including accounts payable and accounts receivable, financial reporting, and building management. Sherri holds an MBA from Suffolk University and is a registered Notary Public in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


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