Why I Can’t Wait for May 29

Accessibility and Inclusion, Special Events

By Rachel Eisen, Director of Development

When people ask me why I love working at Mayyim Hayyim, my answer can vary from day to day. Sometimes I’ll tell a story about someone who needed healing. Sometimes I’ll tell the story about getting to witness my best friend’s bridal immersion. Or I’ll tell a story about young teens who participated in our education programs and finally realized how relevant Judaism could be for them. Or someone who came here and experienced what true inclusion and accessibility looks like.

But no matter which story I tell, it always leads to something bigger: the impact that Mayyim Hayyim has beyond the walls of our physical space, the way Mayyim Hayyim is changing the Jewish community as a whole, by modeling what inclusive, accessible, relevant Jewish practice looks like. In other words, Mayyim Hayyim’s work lights the way for others in the Jewish community.

That’s why I’m beyond excited that on May 29, we’ll be celebrating four incredible people whose partnerships with Mayyim Hayyim help us shine that light for others: Judy and Rabbi Josh Elkin, and Jen Kaplan and Dr. Susie Tanchel.

So please save the date for Mayyim Hayyim’s annual benefit event on May 29. Our benefit is always a lively and festive evening, and along with honoring Judy, Josh, Jen, and Susie, we’ll share inspiring stories of our impact across generations.

More details will be coming soon – stay tuned to Mayyim Hayyim’s website, Facebook, and Instagram, or join our mailing list to get updates. I hope to see you there!

To join the Host Committee to help honor Judy & Josh and Jen & Susie, sign up online or email Rachel Eisen, Director of Development, at rachele@mayyimhayyim.org. You can also reach her by phone at 617-244-1836, ext. 211.

Rachel EisenRachel Eisen is the Director of Development at Mayyim Hayyim.


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