Art Gallery and Education Center

Reflections of Water

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Written by Dr. Paula Brody I have been painting for over 10 years. Five years ago, when I was cleaning out my mother’s home after she fell ill and had to move to a nursing facility, I found her acrylics and paintings. This discovery encouraged me in my in painting, especially to use different mediums, […]

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Destination Mikveh

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Written by Amy Chartock I like to imagine the day when I open The New York Times Travel section and find Boston as the featured destination, listing a visit to Mayyim Hayyim as one of the “must sees” on their list.  But why a visit to Mayyim Hayyim specifically?  Simply put, you need to see […]

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'Summertime' at the Mikveh

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Written by David Levy For theater lovers, there’s only one place to be tonight: the Loeb Drama Center in Cambridge, where the American Repertory Theater will begin previews for their new version of The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess. Although tonight will be the first time this production unfolds before a paying audience, its advantages and […]

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The Dream that Never Vanished

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Written by Rabbi Margaret Frisch Klein What does mikveh have to do with becoming a rabbi? Even before Mayyim Hayyim existed, I had explored mikveh. After spending one Omer soul searching, I gathered some very close friends at Freeman Lake to witness my own mikveh ceremony. The night before I wondered what was next. An […]

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Disconnection from the Physical

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Written by Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman A few months ago, a well-meaning hasid from Jerusalem was trying to figure out what it meant for the woman he’d just seen lead a traditional mincha-maariv service to be both Jewishly observant and a rabbi.  He asked me: Do you keep shabbes?  Yes, I responded.  You don’t drive?  Right.  […]

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Inside my Soul

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Written by Madeline Mayer As I peered for the first time at the glistening waters of the mikveh at Mayyim Hayyim, I felt as if I was truly seeing inside my own soul—this time with a renewed, lucid state of mind. With its beautiful blue stones and tranquil waters, the mikveh enveloped me with spirit and […]

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Surrender Yourself

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Written by Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin The mikveh has been part of my life for 35 years. I have “taken the waters” in Manhattan, Beer Sheva, the Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey, Baltimore, and just this past spring, at Mayyim Hayyim. I have written healing rituals for post-partum ceremonies, victims of abuse, rape, illness, infertility, separation […]

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Immersing with Intention, Creating Mikveh Experience Beyond the Mikveh

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My first mikveh experience took place in early Elul. Shabbat was approaching at my first week-long Jewish Renewal retreat at Elat Chayyim, and I decided to join the group which was going to do “spiritual mikveh” in the swimming pool. Rabbi Phyllis Berman explained, beforehand, the ways in which our mikveh would be atypical: we […]

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Got It!

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Inching our way down Commonwealth Ave, all I could think was, “We’re going to be late.” As I pulled into the parking lot just minutes before our scheduled arrival at 2:00 pm, my cell phone rang. One of the other vans had taken a different Washington Street and was still 15 – 20 minutes away. […]

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Aliza Kline Reflects on Receiving the Nachshon Award

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This coming May marks my 10th anniversary as the executive director of Mayyim Hayyim.  Last Sunday, we held our annual spring benefit, and along with showing films and honoring extraordinary people, Dr. Ellen and Dr. Ernie Kornmehl and Carol and Dr. Steve Targum, I received the Nachshon Award – the one designed to honor those […]

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Beyond the Huppah

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Imagine it.  Ten couples sitting around a table, munching on Terra Chips, hummus and carrots, mixed nuts and Peanut M&M’s; some engaged to be married, some already married, in their late 20’s and older, gay and straight, Jewish-Jewish and interfaith, and all interested in raising Jewish children.  They want to start their marriages on the […]

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Me and Mikveh? Are you Mashugga?

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The question is: how did a mikveh, a place that was alien to me most of life, become part of my life?  Like everyone’s personal story it can be long and complicated or it can be short and concise.  So here is the condensed version. My life is filled with twists and turns; it is […]

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