Me and Mikveh? Are you Mashugga?

The question is: how did a mikveh, a place that was alien to me most of life, become part of my life?  Like everyone’s personal story it can be long and complicated or it can be short and concise.  So here is the condensed version.

My life is filled with twists and turns; it is made up of  “moments” – just like everyone’s.  Mayyim Hayyim understands that and has created a scared space that allows for all sorts of passages to be marked in ways that feel authentic and meaningful.  And so, I and members of my family, have paused, said a blessing, and immersed.  Some of the immersions were for commanded reasons, like the conversion of a baby; some were newly created rituals like giving thanks for recovery, or for reaching a joyous moment.  Each time it was as if I took a long, deep cleansing breath to mark a meaningful transition. Mayyim Hayyim, with creativity, dignity and respect, allowed me to be mindful of the “moments” which make up my life, and for that I am grateful.   And so, I make Mayyim Hayyim part of my life by volunteering and contributing — I want it to be accessible to all members of the community, so they too can pause and mark a moment.

Carol Targum serves on the Board of Directors, is a trained mikveh guide and teaches groups of adults who come to learn about Mayyim Hayyim.  Carol and her husband, Dr. Steve Targum, are two of the honorees of this year’s Spring Benefit, this coming April 3rd.


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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