
Rain Rain Go Away?

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by Samantha Testa, Development Intern   On my first day of my internship at Mayyim Hayyim it was pouring rain.  As I was greeted by staff, I remarked that I hated the rain. Leah’s response effectively changed the way I think about rain. Leah said that she, too, didn’t like the rain, but after working […]

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What Are You Wearing?

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by Rachel CaraDonna, Communications and Social Media Intern   Preparing for my interview at Mayyim Hayyim was incredibly nerve-wracking!  As much as I read about it online, I was still so far from understanding the real definition of a community mikveh. Would I be greeted by Orthodox women? What’s appropriate to wear? I was afraid […]

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Thank You For Everything

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by Laura Seide, Intern I can’t believe that my year of interning at Mayyim Hayyim has come to a close. In many ways, the experience of working here has been a mikveh in and of itself, as it has helped me transition from one state to another: from college grad to rabbinical student. I have […]

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The Orange on the Seder Plate

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by Laura Seide, intern There is a very popular urban legend that an elderly male rabbi once stood up at synagogue and, addressing a female presenter, said “A woman belongs on the bima like an orange belongs on a seder plate.” From that day forward, women everywhere have been placing oranges on their seder plates […]

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Be Like a Duck

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by Laura Seide, Intern It is now halfway through my year-long internship here at Mayyim Hayyim, and I have a confession to make: I have a crush on Carrie Bornstein. Though all the staff at Mayyim Hayyim are amazing, strong and intelligent women, who are fantastic role models as both professionals and community members, there’s […]

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Yes, Actually I Am Jewish

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by Laura Seide, Development intern A few months ago, I wrote about wanting to immerse in the mikveh to recognize my transition into secular adulthood. I expected to find renewal in the waters; what I did not expect to find was the self-acceptance I did not even know I needed. I still remember the first […]

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Dreaming of the Mikveh

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By Hannah White I have long dreamt of my first dip in the mikveh. When I interned at Mayyim Hayyim a few years ago, I often found myself pausing in the midst of a project to listen to the joyful sounds coming from downstairs. It was as if the singing floated up to the offices, […]

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Of Irony and Water

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By Rachel Renz, Mayyim Hayyim Intern Water is a motif found throughout Tanach (the Bible), and its placement in the Torah can provide insight into its placement in Jewish practice. Where does water appear in the Bible? Its placement is varied. Looking at a few salient instances in the narratives of Noach, Eliezer and Rivka, and […]

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What’s in the Water?

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By Allison Poirier, Mayyim Hayyim Intern I started working at Mayyim Hayyim just two weeks ago. I am enjoying myself so much, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to work in such a warm and caring environment with such enthusiastic people. They’re awfully clever people too, and they decided that one of my […]

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