by Laura Seide, Intern
I can’t believe that my year of interning at Mayyim Hayyim has come to a close. In many ways, the experience of working here has been a mikveh in and of itself, as it has helped me transition from one state to another: from college grad to rabbinical student. I have learned so much about myself as a young woman, as a Jewish adult, and as a professional. I wanted to share some of these lessons, expressed in quotes that I overheard at work.
1. “Dreams are only dreams until someone says yes.”
This year I have learned the importance of teamwork. Mayyim Hayyim was only a vision of our founder Anita Diamant until others agreed to help create it. And, though it can be hard to ask for help, but Mayyim Hayyim has taught me that collaboration leads to better ideas and better products. Everything we do happens only because everyone helps do it.
2. “You’ll make your own footsteps.”
This year I have learned that I possess infinite potential. Though at times I felt overwhelmed by the tasks I was working on, I only discovered what my true capabilities were when I was encouraged to take on large projects.
3. “This too shall melt.”
This year I have learned patience. Getting up and going to work at the same time every day and working on the same tasks requires a different kind of determination than going to school does. I have a lot more respect for adults now that I know how draining and seemingly infinite work can feel.
4. “I had a choice to either cry or sing, and I chose to sing.”
This year I have learned hiddur mitzvah. I am in awe of the beauty that Mayyim Hayyim creates every day and how the presence of that beauty allows people to express themselves in more meaningful ways.
Thank you for everything.
Laura Seide grew up in Franklin, MA and has been interning at Mayyim Hayyim. She leaves for Jerusalem for her first year at HUC-JIR rabbinical school at the end of June.