Interfaith Families

Orange is the New Black but Mikveh is the New Orange

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by Leah Wittenberg, Mayyim Hayyim Intern  “There was a mikfa on oitnb!” This was the slightly confusing text I received from one of my friends who is not Jewish, but knows I am interning at a mikveh, Mayyim Hayyim, this summer. She is also in tune with Judaism due to all the Friday nights she has spent […]

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Yes, Actually I Am Jewish

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by Laura Seide, Development intern A few months ago, I wrote about wanting to immerse in the mikveh to recognize my transition into secular adulthood. I expected to find renewal in the waters; what I did not expect to find was the self-acceptance I did not even know I needed. I still remember the first […]

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Our December Dilemma Ritual

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by Julia Becker Collins, Director of Community Engagement When my husband and I were in our Introduction to Judaism class at Temple Beth Shalom, we had a class discussion about what is often called the “December Dilemma.”  This is the coined phrase that surrounds the ‘conflict’ that appears to many interfaith families and couples at […]

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There's No 'Right' Way: Our Interfaith Journey

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This post originally appeared on, and was written by Sam Kaplan and Rachel Wilson on behalf of Reform Jewish Outreach Boston When I was introduced to Rachel by a mutual friend, I was told that she was my perfect match: cute, fun, and Jewish!  Well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!  Given the topic […]

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Guest Posts Ahead!

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For the rest of the chaggim, we will be running a series of guest posts discussing our film, Welcoming Waters: Mikveh Baby. Stay tuned for our wonderful colleagues’ insights, thoughts and observations on conversion, immersion and Jewish family life!

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Letting Go of Letting Go

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Take a deep breath, exhale, and immerse fully under the water for one instant with nothing else getting in the way, right? Wrong. Well, not completely wrong.  Most of the time that is indeed the idea. But what about someone who can’t?  What if a person is not physically able to immerse independently?  Does that mean he can’t […]

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Entering the Covenant

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What a beautiful ceremony and rite of passage captured on video! You can feel the sense of community as baby Clara formally enters the covenant of the Jewish people. And what a moment when mom Jennifer lets go of her baby for the immersion. What could potentially be a hard thing for any parent is […]

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Welcoming Waters: Mikveh for Babies

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Welcome to the Jewish future, which is very, very cute. Welcome to the premiere of Mayyim Hayyim’s first documentary film, funded by CJP and Natan and produced by Jennifer Kaplan. In “Welcoming Waters: Mikveh for Babies,” you will meet Clara Grossman, ten weeks old, who gurgles and smiles as her mother carries her into the […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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