“Because nothing should come between you and the experience.”

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh & Education Director Picture a small, sunlit-filled atrium filled with 22 wiggly eleven-year-old boys and girls. They’ve just been darting in and out of mikveh preparation rooms, opening closets, peeking in cabinets and behind shower curtains, flinging themselves on the tiled floor to dip their fingers in the warm mikveh water. […]

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The Mikveh is Still Here

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by Rachel Eisen, Mayyim Hayyim Intern Things can change in an instant. Last week, nearly 70 teens from Camp Ramah in New England came to visit Mayyim Hayyim. Our Associate Director of Education, Leeza, was rotating them in three groups through an education program, and she was masterfully teaching the second group when it started hailing. […]

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by A. Fox In my parents’ home back in St. Paul, Minnesota, I used to tiptoe into the bathroom late at night, lock the door behind me, put a towel in the door’s crack and turn off the lights. I knew how many steps it took to reach the faucet. How many inches to lift my hand for […]

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What on Earth Are They Going to Do?

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by Ilana Snapstailer “What on earth are they going to do for two hours at a mikveh?!” asked a parent. The truth is, I was not entirely sure, but upon many recommendations, I scheduled a visit to Mayyim Hayyim with my girls. I am not yet a mother.  “My girls” refers to the group of […]

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Isn’t It Ironic?

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By Lisa Berman, Paula Brody & Family Education Center Director at Mayyim Hayyim   “Irony: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.” “Isn’t it ironic” sang Alanis Morissette. Many have pointed out that Alanis’ “ironies” were not, by definition, actually ironic. (See a comedic, “corrected” version of her song). […]

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Young Jewish Leaders from London Visit Mayyim Hayyim

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by Jody Comins, Development Coordinator While I love my job as Development and Events Coordinator here at Mayyim Hayyim, I have a side gig that I’m just as passionate about: working as an Independent Consultant for the Adam Science Young Leadership Program for LEAD which is in the UK. This program consists of young Jewish […]

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Teach Everyone

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by Anita Diamant, Mayyim Hayyim Founding President This post was originally featured on Anita’s personal blog Thinking Out Loud Today, I was given two great honors by Hebrew College in Newton, MA: awarded an honorary doctorate and asked to address the graduating class of educators, cantors and rabbis. Here’s what I said: Hebrew College Commencement […]

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A Successful Field Trip

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by Allison Poirier Last week, on a very cold and wintry Friday morning I left my apartment in Morningside Heights to catch the subway to 74th street. I was on my way to the Upper West Side Mikveh. Along with six other women, I was on my way to a field trip planned as part […]

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One Eighth Grader's Perspective on Mikveh

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by Talia Schnur and Jody Comins, Development and Events Coordinator Talia: I came to the mikveh with my eighth grade class and the sixth grade class from MetroWest Jewish Day School (MWJDS). The visit was really fun because we got to learn why different people come to the mikveh, and how it works. We learned […]

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A Field Trip

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On August 9, 2012, Mayyim Hayyim hosted a group of social workers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center to learn more about Mayyim Hayyim’s mission, operations, and how the ritual of mikveh can be of use to both caregivers and those challenged by health issues. Thanks to Jane Matlaw, Director of Community Relations at BIDMC […]

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The Most Special Person on the Planet

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by Lisa Berman, Education Center Director It’s a good day when you create a program described as “absolutely, amazingly, awesomely phenomenal.”  Frankly, it’s even better when a 12 year old says, “I thought that the girls would all have been forced to come by their moms, but we were all genuinely interested – and it […]

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