Conversion and Affirmation

Israel’s Mikveh for Everyone

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This month, our blog’s theme is mikva’ot from around the world. Mikveh is a ritual that spans centuries and continents; earlier this month we shared about a mikveh in Cuba, Uganda, and today we learn about the latest in mikveh news in Israel from Rabbi Dr. Haviva Ner-David. If you have a mikveh story from another corner […]

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Orange is the New Black but Mikveh is the New Orange

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by Leah Wittenberg, Mayyim Hayyim Intern  “There was a mikfa on oitnb!” This was the slightly confusing text I received from one of my friends who is not Jewish, but knows I am interning at a mikveh, Mayyim Hayyim, this summer. She is also in tune with Judaism due to all the Friday nights she has spent […]

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Letting Go of Letting Go

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Take a deep breath, exhale, and immerse fully under the water for one instant with nothing else getting in the way, right? Wrong. Well, not completely wrong.  Most of the time that is indeed the idea. But what about someone who can’t?  What if a person is not physically able to immerse independently?  Does that mean he can’t […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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