Rising Tide Network

Rising Tide is a national network of mikva’ot (plural of mikveh) working to open the experience of mikveh to the entire Jewish community to help create a vibrant, welcoming, inclusive American Jewish future.

Rising Tide’s mission is to assist communities that wish to open a new mikveh or enhance an existing one, and to support the success and sustainability of mikva’ot around the country.

Rising Tide’s goal is to establish mikveh as part of the full diversity of the Jewish communal landscape by articulating best practices, fostering innovation, and building partnerships.

In March 2017, Mayyim Hayyim convened staff and lay leaders from Adas Israel Community Mikvah in Washington, DC, ImmerseNYCLibi Eir Awakened Heart Community Mikveh in Raleigh, NC, and MACoM in Atlanta, GA, and a mikveh network was born. Since then, our five founding members have worked together to explore how to best support communities who embrace an open, inclusive and welcoming approach to the ritual of immersion as a way to mark life transitions. As a result of that meeting, and with support from the Natan Fund, Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, an anonymous foundation, and individual donors, in April 2018, Rising Tide Open Waters Mikveh Network became a reality.

To learn more about Rising Tide or join as a member, go to risingtideopenwaters.org




  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

    Learn more