A Heartfelt Thank You

Marriage and Relationships

At Mayyim Hayyim, we often receive heartwarming thank you letters and emails from guests sharing their immersion experiences. It’s our pleasure to share these mikveh moments with our beloved community.

Dear Mayyim Hayyim,

Although I was very much looking forward to immersing for the first time before my marriage last month, I had not anticipated how joyous and meaningful it would actually be. My immersion two days before my wedding truly transformed my special weekend. The specific intentions made my immersion very mindful and meaningful. They helped me consider this amazing transition in my life, to be present in my body, and appreciate how wonderful it was to be entering into a new phase of partnership with my soon-to-be husband.

This feeling stayed with me throughout the weekend. On Sunday morning, while showering before my wedding, I was thinking of the intentionality I had experienced at the mikveh and was able to once again wash myself with the full presence and intentionality I had experienced at Mayyim Hayyim, helping me go forward into marriage.

Thank you for creating this amazing experience that will never be forgotten.

Rachel Goldner

Rachel is a first-grade teacher in Lincoln and lives in Framingham with her husband. She has three children, ages 18-22. 


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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