
A Successful Field Trip

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by Allison Poirier Last week, on a very cold and wintry Friday morning I left my apartment in Morningside Heights to catch the subway to 74th street. I was on my way to the Upper West Side Mikveh. Along with six other women, I was on my way to a field trip planned as part […]

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A Field Trip

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On August 9, 2012, Mayyim Hayyim hosted a group of social workers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center to learn more about Mayyim Hayyim’s mission, operations, and how the ritual of mikveh can be of use to both caregivers and those challenged by health issues. Thanks to Jane Matlaw, Director of Community Relations at BIDMC […]

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Learning to Love the Mikveh

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By Emma Green, Jewish Educator at Boston Area Jewish Education Program When I was a child, I spent a lot of time hanging out at my local synagogue. I grew very comfortable with most of the building while waiting for my brothers to be done with Bar Mitzvah meetings or Hebrew School, youth group events, […]

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Maybe God

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by Lisa Berman, Education Center Director Picture this: a sixth grader, participating in an education program at Mayyim Hayyim, responds to the question “who do you think might accompany someone when they are at or in the mikveh?” He answers: “No one. Well, maybe God.” Both of these 2 very brief statements are fascinating to […]

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