
Special Events

A Dream Mikveh – 3 Years Later

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Sheri Gurock has served as President of the Mayyim Hayyim Board since January 2016. We will honor her integrity, fierce passion, and devotion to innovative Jewish life at Coming Up for Air on May 24 at 6:00PM. Join us for mikveh stories and circus arts as we celebrate Sheri and her husband, Eli, and Idit […]

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National Network

You are Welcome (At the Mikveh)

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by Amber Caulkins, Director, Rising Tide Open Waters Mikveh Network Recently, I have been thinking a lot about what makes a mikveh welcoming: a place that invites you in, makes you feel that you belong, and gives you the space to have a meaningful experience. These thoughts haven’t emerged out of the blue, of course. […]

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Men, Shabbat and Holidays

Shavuot Reflections – Revisited

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As we prepare for the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, we wanted to re-share this post reflecting on the relationship between Mount Sinai, marriage, and mikveh. Join us May 19 at 8:00PM at the Community Tikkun Leil Shavuot for dramaturgy and discussion with Associate Director of Education, Leeza Negelev. Originally posted May 25, 2012 by Rabbi David […]

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Special Events

Taking in New Air

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by Rachel Eisen, Director of Annual Giving What does it mean to come up for air? What does it mean to breathe deeply, to take time to be refreshed and rejuvenated, so that you can give of yourself to create a better a world? That’s the side of Mayyim Hayyim we’ll be exploring and celebrating […]

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Life Transitions, Men

A Post-Tufts Tevilah

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As graduation day nears, we invite you to consider immersion as a way to appreciate your journey to this milestone. An immersion gift certificate also makes a thoughtful gift for graduates. Originally posted June 21, 2017 by Andrew Wofford When my Rabbi suggested that I immerse in the mikveh to mark my graduation from college, I was rather confused […]

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Special Events

Leaders, Friends, Honorees

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On May 24, Mayyim Hayyim’s Coming Up for Air will celebrate three leaders whose boundless energy and innovative thinking keep us on the growing edge of the Jewish world. We are grateful for their partnership in helping make Mayyim Hayyim and the greater Jewish community warm and welcoming. Sheri and Eli Gurock met in nursery school […]

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Cancer, Healing

Finding God in the Mikveh

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by Gail Sacco I am a 64-year-old Conservative Jew, and I love that being Jewish means I have the opportunity to continually learn and enrich my life. In 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and radiation because the cells were primarily in situ, meaning they were just beginning to […]

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National Network

Telling your Mikveh Story

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by Amber Caulkins, Director of Rising Tide Mikveh Network Telling my own story can be a challenge. I love to tell other people’s stories (I studied journalism in undergrad, after all), but sharing what has been most meaningful in my own life takes practice. Fortunately, working at Mayyim Hayyim to support the development of our […]

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Shabbat and Holidays

Don’t “Pass Over” the Mikveh

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An oldie but goodie – reshared from March 2017 by Wendy Handler, Mikveh Guide  A friend recently sent me an email that said, “Keep calm and carry on… spring is coming!” with a beautiful picture of budding flowers in my favorite colors. The message did little to soothe my nerves. Spring is coming… translation: Passover […]

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Carrie Bornstein

I’m Here to Spoil You Rotten

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by Carrie Bornstein, Executive Director “Just raise your hand if you need an extra blanket,” my restorative yoga teacher said slowly, “or another block, or maybe some hands-on support. I’m here to spoil you rotten tonight, if there’s anything at all that you need.” “What would you like to order? Let’s start here: What do […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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