Interfaith Couples

Our Newest Jews…

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By Mayyim Hayyim Staff To date, nearly 2000 people have chosen Judaism at Mayyim Hayyim!  April, May and June are particularly busy months for “brand new Jews”.  Ever wonder what goes through people’s minds as they finalize their conversion or affirmation process at Mayyim Hayyim?  Here are some quotes from our guest book… Thank you […]

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Our December Dilemma Ritual

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by Julia Becker Collins, Director of Community Engagement When my husband and I were in our Introduction to Judaism class at Temple Beth Shalom, we had a class discussion about what is often called the “December Dilemma.”  This is the coined phrase that surrounds the ‘conflict’ that appears to many interfaith families and couples at […]

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There's No 'Right' Way: Our Interfaith Journey

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This post originally appeared on, and was written by Sam Kaplan and Rachel Wilson on behalf of Reform Jewish Outreach Boston When I was introduced to Rachel by a mutual friend, I was told that she was my perfect match: cute, fun, and Jewish!  Well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!  Given the topic […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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