by Sarah Fendrick, Event Coordinator
Spring awakens my senses — shades of green and pastel pinks emerge from the trees, a multitude of birds call, sweet smells of hyacinth and lilac beckon— spring makes me glad to be alive. The longer days are ripe with moments of reflection; the world around me awakens to possibilities in the season of rebirth.
At Mayyim Hayyim, it is always a season of rebirth and renewal of spirit. Working at Mayyim Hayyim has introduced me to a community of people finding new and renewed meaning in an ancient ritual. I witness almost daily, the intensely bonded friendships, the laughter in shared moments, the joy of new insights, the gratification of meaningful connection. As I assemble the program book for our spring event, Milestones — Step By Step, I am also struck by the outpouring of gratitude in the blessings for our honorees and for Mayyim Hayyim.
For me, assembling the blessings within the program book for Mayyim Hayyim’s Bat Mitzvah year is like watching the awakening of the trees, leaf by leaf, blossom by blossom, until a fully resplendent forest emerges. The process is a journey, with each blessing representing a story, abundant with meaning, fully unique. These blessings reflect the experiences of those who have come to Mayyim Hayyim, to immerse, learn about tradition, share art, volunteer, and work. They are an acknowledgment and celebration of those who cherish Mayyim Hayyim and the meaning Mayyim Hayyim makes of the moments of their lives. I, too, feel blessed and grateful to be a part of Mayyim Hayyim and am very glad to be a part of the awakening of the Mayyim Hayyim’s spring event, Milestones — Step By Step, blessing by blessing.

Join us on June 9th, when we’ll be honoring Terry Rosenberg and Lauren Neill, presenting the Nachshon Award to Dr. Paula Brody and Merrill Hassenfeld. The evening will also feature The Noah Aronson Band.
Sarah Fendrick came to coordinate Mayyim Hayyim’s benefit event this spring after 12 years of teaching high school history, most recently at Gann Academy and the Heschel High School. Prior to teaching, Sarah coordinated events for DOROT and Riverside Park Fund in Manhattan. Sarah moved from New York City to Newton in the summer of 2014. She lives with her two children, Jonah and Naomi, and her husband, David.