After five amazing years as a fountain of creativity in the greater Boston area, inspiring new works of liturgy, curricula, publication, artwork and plays, Mayyim Hayyim is pleased to announce our very first film contest!

The Everything Begins in the Water Film Contest seeks films that capture the universal notion of water as a source of life or renewal. While we warmly welcome films of Jewish content, films may draw on any faith tradition or may have no religious content at all. We are so thrilled to showcase the ways film explores the power of water!

Everything Begins in the Water is a juried film contest and the winning films will be presented at Mayyim Hayyim’s Annual Benefit on April 3, 2011.  The first-place film will receive a $750 first place prize, plus entry into a Boston Area Film Festival. The second place winner will receive a $500 prize.

Our three amazing judges come from the greater Boston community:

Kristen Lauerman, Museum of Fine Arts Boston – Manager and Assistant Programmer of Film and Video, The Film Experience at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Teaching Assistant

Ben Loeterman, Independent Filmmaker, producer for public television’s current affairs and historical documentaries

Sara Rubin, Boston Jewish Film Festival, Artistic Director

We are incredibly excited about this project and hope that you will spread the word to all your talented filmmaker friends! For submission guidelines, restrictions and an official entry form, please visit our website.