by Carrie Bornstein

As we approach the end of 2012, I can’t help but engage in a little year-in-review.  (Hmm… it just happens to be grant report season too.  Coincidence?) any event, for a social media nerd like me, I never pass up an opportunity to enjoy all the statistics that WordPress offers me on a silver platter when I log in to our blog.  And then I realize that you, oh faithful readers, are entirely deprived of this information – what a shonda – a total shame!

So here’s my roundup of interesting lists, facts, and general standouts from the past year… and beyond.  To start, here are:

The Five Most Popular Posts from 2012:

…and… with 608 views, the most popular post in a single day:

In 2012, the blog was viewed 25,095 times (so far – the month’s not over yet!)  This compares to 13,972 in 2011.  That’s almost double!  And since we started it just over two years ago, it’s been viewed a total of 42,061 times.

Finally, I offer you some of my favorites that you may have missed, from the blog’s earlier days: I send you off with a reading list a mile long, make sure to check out Pocket if you don’t already know about it.  It’s an app that collects your “to-read” list for a later date, synced to your Smart Phone, iPad, computer, whatever.  Genius.

Finally – thank you for reading!  Keep your comments, tweets, Facebook likes and shares coming.  And if you would… tell us: what were some of your favorite posts from the past year?  Or ever, for that matter?

Carrie Bornstein is Mayyim Hayyim’s Executive Director.  Follow her on twitter @carolinering.