
Finding My Rainbow

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Editor’s note: Lauren brought her daughter, Sofia (name has been changed), for a conversion immersion, naming ceremony, and general celebration of about 65 people.  We asked Lauren if we could share her story.  Below is what Lauren read to Sofia and her guests on that day. by Lauren Bloom In March of 2011, Sofia Grace Jones […]

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A Pregnant Pause

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by Elisha Gechter I’ve fallen prey to a Facebook trend. Each month I stick a big number to my daughter’s onesie and snap a picture to post online. This month number nine will come out of the package, which has me recalling the milestone we marked in my 9th month of pregnancy at Mayyim Hayyim. As […]

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My Mikveh Journey

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by Michael Franck One Jewish life.  Two beautiful Jewish children. That is what mikveh has given me.  I have been reflecting on this lately because of Mayyim Hayyim’s upcoming spring benefit event, Men, Mikveh, and Malt, which I am helping to plan.  Thinking about the event, and about what Mayyim Hayyim means, has made me […]

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L'Dor V'Dor V'Dor: From Generation to Generation to Generation

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by Diane Black, Rebecca Friedman, and Jessica Friedman A few weeks ago, Diane Black, one of our board members and a Mikveh Guide, brought her daughter Rebecca and her granddaughter Jessica to Mayyim Hayyim to celebrate Jessica becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Diane guided Jessica, and Rebecca witnessed. A note from the editor: Diane, Rebecca, and Jessica […]

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More Than Just a Bath

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by Sarah Gurvis, Administrative Assistant Anyone who has spent any amount of time with children knows that they tend to ask a lot of questions. When I’m not working at Mayyim Hayyim, I work as a part time nanny for 4 wonderful and particularly inquisitive girls. Normally, the questions are of a definitive nature such […]

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A Fresh Start

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by Debra Askanase  Sometimes, even newborn babies need a fresh start. That’s what I thought when I finally brought my eldest daughter home from Children’s Hospital, three and a half weeks after her birth. She had a rough beginning, going straight from Newton-Wellesley to Children’s Hospital. It was touch-and-go for the first few days, and after […]

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One Eighth Grader's Perspective on Mikveh

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by Talia Schnur and Jody Comins, Development and Events Coordinator Talia: I came to the mikveh with my eighth grade class and the sixth grade class from MetroWest Jewish Day School (MWJDS). The visit was really fun because we got to learn why different people come to the mikveh, and how it works. We learned […]

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Recreating Chanukah

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By Lisa Berman, Mayyim Hayyim Education Center Director Can you recreate ritual? Of course we here at Mayyim Hayyim believe that you can reimagine it, breathe new life into it, re-envision it, and interpret it in new, contemporary and meaningful ways. We do it every day with the ritual of mikveh.  But could a family recreate Chanukah? […]

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L’Dor V’Dor—From Generation to Generation

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by Leah Hart Tennen, Mikveh Center Director Last week I went to Atlanta with my family to celebrate my younger son’s and my nephew’s first birthdays.  My sister-in-law and I were due one day apart, the babies are 9 days apart, and many members of our large extended family (there are almost 100 members of […]

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The Most Special Person on the Planet

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by Lisa Berman, Education Center Director It’s a good day when you create a program described as “absolutely, amazingly, awesomely phenomenal.”  Frankly, it’s even better when a 12 year old says, “I thought that the girls would all have been forced to come by their moms, but we were all genuinely interested – and it […]

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An International and Multicultural Ritual Immersion

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by Gaby Zwiebach My family roots stem both from Peru and from Mexico. The cultures of these two countries have always had a strong influence in my life and in the life of my two older sisters, and eventually in the lives of our respective children. The three of us were born in Mexico to […]

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