Roller Coasters and Merry-Go-Rounds

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by Lisa Berman, Mikveh and Education Director There’s a great scene from one of my very favorite movies of all time, Parenthood, with Steve Martin. At one point, seemingly out of context, the grandmother says to Steve, “You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster. Up, down, up, down. Oh, what […]

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Immersing at Ice House Pond

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by Rabbi Sarah Tasman For the last number of years, preparing for the High Holidays has been full on. As most other Jewish professionals and clergy will tell you, preparing for the High Holidays is a whirlwind that includes creating service outlines, tutoring volunteer Torah readers, sermon writing, rehearsing with lay song leaders and so on. […]

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Just a Blessed, Holy, Magical, Energizing Experience

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by Carrie Bornstein One hundred eighty-one people have already scheduled an immersion at Mayyim Hayyim for the month of September. By the time the month is over, we’ll be pushing well into the two hundreds. Our guests are coming for all different reasons, of course, but more than anything now we’re seeing women, men, and […]

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Five Questions for New Year’s Reflection

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by Sherri Goldman The High Holidays, or Jewish New Year, is a time for reflection.  Every New Year gives us a moment to look back over the past year to see what was successful and what in our lives can use some improvement. It’s a time of year to give ourselves the opportunity to grow […]

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Meditations of My Heart For Rosh Hashanah

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by Ivy Helman Rosh Hashanah represents a return to God.  Immersing in a mikveh renews my sense of purpose and grants me a sense of wholeness I just haven’t found elsewhere.  Yet, it’s also so much more than this. Two thoughts come to mind that truly capture why I go to the mikveh before the […]

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A Call and a Kavannah for Pesach

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by Rabbi Sue Fendrick If you leave behind no other aspect of mitzrayim – if you move out of the narrow places in no other way -join me in this one: Do not put off things because of your fear of how it will go – fear that the conversation won’t go the way you […]

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Tazria, Metzora, and Talking about Mikveh

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by Robin Weintraub Last week, we read parashat Tazria, and this week, we read parashat Metzora. These Leviticus tomes are full of skin ailments, clothes and linens which contract impurity, beplagued houses, and priestly rituals. They may seem erudite, bizarre, even inaccessible. But these parshiot offer us an opportunity to talk about something much more […]

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Changes at the Mikveh-Purim Edition

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by Walton Clark, Office Assistant Purim is upon us, a time of debauchery and merriment. Having lived in New Orleans for four Mardi Gras celebrations, I know a thing or two about ‘celebration’. Here at Mayyim Hayyim, we want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Purim, so we have made several changes to enhance everyone’s […]

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In the Details

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by Robin Weintraub Adar II is now upon us.  We dust off our megillah trope, hunt for our groggers, and brainstorm costume ideas in prepation for celebrating Purim and reading the Book of Esther in a couple of weeks.  It is often taught that Esther is the only book in the Bible where God is not […]

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Two Mikveh Ladies Walk into the White House

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by Carrie Bornstein Chinese food. Movie theaters.  The culmination of a season’s worth of reminders about our minority status around every corner.  This year, I’m spending December 25th by telling you my Chanukah story (Christmas really fell out late this year, no?). So there I was, casually pulling a pile from my mailbox, when I […]

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Thanksgiving plus Chanukah = Family

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by Jody Comins, Development and Events Coordinator  Preparation Time: 1 month Shopping Time: 3 days, 6 stores (plus 1 more because we forgot something) Cooking Time:  4 days Ingredients: Favorite Thanksgiving food, Favorite Chanukah Food, Menorah, Candles, Gifts, Family, and Friends Step 1: My parents call to tell us they won’t be hosting Thanksgiving this year because they’ve decided […]

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Chanukah Presence

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by Robin Weintraub A few weeks ago, I became the new Mikveh Center Coordinator.  Into the mikveh I jumped with both feet (only figuratively, of course; Mayyim Hayyim and, incidentally, the Rambam advise against actually jumping into the mikveh).  Much to my own astonishment and that of those who know me well, I haven’t fallen in […]

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