National Network

Harvesting the Power of Mikveh

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by Naomi Malka There is so much sechel, or wisdom, in the Jewish calendar. I love that our year ends with the conclusion of summer and the entry of fall.  We’ve celebrated, davenned, and fasted, but this week we’re taking the party outdoors.  Sukkot recalls the harvest season in ancient Israel, when the land was so […]

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Ad Me’ah V’Esrim! (Until 120!): Reflections on reaching the 1st Birthday of Libi Eir Awakened Heart Community Mikveh at Beth Meyer Synagogue

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By Rabbi Jenny Solomon Shehehiyanu, v’kiyamanu, v’higiyanu lazman ha’zeh!  (Thank you, God, for giving us life, sustaining us, and enabling us to reach this day!)  It is almost unfathomable to me that just a year ago we opened our doors and our waters to the Jewish community.  Living in a relatively small Jewish community in […]

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  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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