
Beyond the Huppah

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Imagine it.  Ten couples sitting around a table, munching on Terra Chips, hummus and carrots, mixed nuts and Peanut M&M’s; some engaged to be married, some already married, in their late 20’s and older, gay and straight, Jewish-Jewish and interfaith, and all interested in raising Jewish children.  They want to start their marriages on the […]

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Guest Post: A Judaism that Feels Like Home

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Amy Meltzer, author, mom, teacher and blogger, shares her thoughts on intermarried life, Jewish community, and finding a place to belong. I’ve gotten some flack for the title of my blog, Homeshuling. Why, people (most of them Rabbis) wonder, am I discouraging people from going to synagogue? What is Judaism, after all, without community?  I […]

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Guest Post: Conversion and the Intermarried

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Dr. Kerry Olitzky,  Executive Director of the Jewish Outreach Institute, shares his thoughts on conversion, intermarriage, and our film, Welcoming Waters: Mikveh Baby. For those who choose it, conversion is a liminal experience. While it might sound cliché or hackneyed, it can be a life-changing event.  And that is the way it is supposed to […]

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Guest Post: Welcoming the Unaffiliated

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Guest Poster Julie Wiener’s In the Mix blog appears on The Jewish Week website. Her monthly columns about intermarried life are published in the newspaper’s print edition and online. One of the perks of being an intermarried Jewish mom, as opposed to being an intermarried Jewish dad, is that your children are universally recognized as […]

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Guest Post: An Honest, Affirming Look at Converting Infants

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Ed Case, CEO of, shares his thoughts on our film, conversion and creating Jewish families. You can read more of what Ed has to say on’s blog. Welcoming Waters: Mikveh for Babies is an incredibly affirming video on many levels. First, Jennifer Grossman, the mother of Clara, the infant being converted, is someone we should […]

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Guest Post: Defying Dualism

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Rachel Brodie, Executive Director of Jewish Milestones, shares her thoughts on Yom Kippur, teshuva, and Welcoming Waters: Mikveh for Babies. I used to find the whole nature-nurture “debate” a big bore.  It was so clearly some of both—I’d wager 50-50.  Then I became a mother.  By the time my kids were toddlers I was beginning […]

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Guest Posts Ahead!

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For the rest of the chaggim, we will be running a series of guest posts discussing our film, Welcoming Waters: Mikveh Baby. Stay tuned for our wonderful colleagues’ insights, thoughts and observations on conversion, immersion and Jewish family life!

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