An Important Connection

By Ron and Brian Olshansky-Lucero

Mayyim Hayyim has been an important part of our lives for the last two years.

Our connection to Mayyim Hayyim began with Ron’s beit din and immersion for his conversion. We were very blessed that Ron’s sponsoring rabbi knew about Mayyim Hayyim and that he chose this special place for such an important transition. The same rabbi also officiated our wedding and happens to be one of Brian’s best friends from both Hebrew school and high school back in Saint Louis, Missouri.

Not long after Ron’s conversion immersion, we returned to Mayyim Hayyim as a couple to immerse right before our wedding – a tradition that prepared us for the transition and exciting journey before us.

For the last two years, we have also celebrated our wedding anniversary by immersing at Mayyim Hayyim. Immersing allows us to celebrate our love, show our gratitude for each other, and renew our life together every year.

Immersing is such an amazing and enriching experience that we wonder why there are not more liberal community mikvaot.

Recently, we have become aware of efforts to establish similar mikvaot in other parts of the country, and are excited to learn of a project to explore how one can be established in the New York area.

We strongly believe in the importance of changing the way that we as Jews view immersion, going beyond our traditional understanding of the purposes and relevance of mikvaot.

We hope that more people will discover the power and beauty of immersing and how it can enrich the lives of all modern Jews, regardless of background or affiliation.

Ron and Brian are transplanted New Yorkers currently living in Midwood, Brooklyn. As liberal Jews in an orthodox community, they are  blessed with the challenge and opportunity to balance the desire to learn and appreciate increased ritual observance with their strong liberal and inclusive outlook on Judaism.


  • SUMMER HEAT ADVISORY: We have new measures in place to combat the high summer temperatures which may affect your immersion. 

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