By Judi and Maya Goldberg

My five-year old daughter, Maya, and I met “Mikveh Lisa” (Lisa Berman, Mayyim Hayyim Education Center Director) at Temple Shalom. We participated in our first immersion at Mayyim Hayyim about six months ago. Maya and I both love going to the mikveh, but for very different reasons. I love going because I can spend dedicated time with my daughter talking about the gifts of life, health, and faith. Here are some of Maya’s thoughts from our most recent immersion that celebrated her fifth birthday and a few photos from the occasion:

Q:   How many times have we gone to the mikveh?

A:    Three times.

Q:  What do we do when we go there?

A: We take a bath and wash from nose to toes, and make sure that we are super clean.  Then we get to go into the water.  I like when the lights around the edge change colors.  And then we say prayers and swim.  When we get out, we get dressed, read stories, and have a snack.

Q: Why did we go to the mikveh today?

A: To celebrate my fifth birthday!

Q: How did you feel in the mikveh?

A: Relaxed.

Q: What was your favorite part of going to the mikveh today?

A: Being together, the warm water, and seeing “Mikveh Lisa” (our guide).

Q: Is there anything that you don’t like about the mikveh?

A: That not Jewish people can’t immerse, like daddy.

Q: What prayers do we say in the mikveh?

A: The Shehechianu and the Sh’ma.  And you say some others that I don’t know.

Q: Did you feel grateful for anything today while we were in the mikveh?

A: I’m grateful that my birthday is finally here and that I will get to eat cake at my party!